Also known as mask acne, MASKNE is acne breakouts from wearing a face mask. This occurs when sweat, oil and bacteria are trapped on your skin while wearing a mask. This leads to creating the perfect breeding grounds for breakouts. 

Tips to prevent MASKNE:

Wash your face regularly

It is important to follow your regular skin routine daily to keep your skin healthy! This includes washing your face once in the morning and one at night before bed. Washing your face after sweating or wearing a mask is also a great habit to add to your daily skin routine. 

Use a gentle cleanser

Using a gentle cleanser helps remove any excess oil, sweat and bacteria. Avoid cleansers that contain alcohol or perfume as these ingredients can cause irritation. If your maskne is more severe, a medicated cleanser with benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid might be something to consider using. After washing your face, apply a moisturizer as it keeps your skin hydrated. 

Take a break from makeup

Skipping makeup has done wonders for many! It is no doubt that beauty products such as foundation and concealer can clog your pores ultimately delaying the healing time. Not wearing makeup would also decrease oiliness and pimples meaning you would experience fewer breakouts.

How does a silk mask help with MASKNE?

Since silk is cooling, naturally hypoallergenic and tends to absorb less moisture than cotton, it won’t dry out your skin. This leads to your skin being able to breathe through the mask and preventing mask acne. According to dermatologists (Dr Sobel, dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York) 100% silk does not clog pores. Although, mask hygiene plays a big factor as well. Make sure to wash your mask after every use to reduce and prevent MASKNE!