It’s a practice where a person uses a technique such as mindfulness, or focusing one’s mind on a particular object, thought or activity. Meditation is not about becoming a different person rather its more about training one’s awareness and getting a new sense of perspective. Meditation is about achieving a mentally clear, emotionally calm and stable state. 

There are many different ways to meditate:

Focused Meditation  

This involves concentration using any of the 5 senses. This practice can be very simple but can be difficult for beginners to try and hold their focus for longer than a few minutes at first. Try staring at a candle flame for starters. If your mind does end up wandering, try your hardest to come back and refocus. Focused Meditation is very ideal for anyone who wants or needs additional focus in their life.

Movement Meditation 

This is an active form of mediation where movement is the guide. Often, people only think of yoga when they hear movement meditation. That is not the case though. Even just a simple walk around the neighbourhood or even gardening are all gentle forms of motion. Movement Meditation is great for people who find peace and comfort in action and would prefer to let their minds wander.

Mindfulness Meditation 

This is where you pay attention to your thoughts as they cross through your mind. You do not judge the thoughts rather you are to just take notes of anything that comes to mind. This practice is a combination of concentration and awareness. It might be helpful to focus on an object as you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts and/or feelings. Mindfulness Meditation is great for people who do not have anyone to guide them as it can be practiced very easily alone. 


Meditation can provide a number of benefits. For starters, it helps reduce stress which is the most common reason why people meditate. It can also control anxiety as well as enhance self - awareness. Meditation is a great way to relax and take care of yourself! It’s time to focus and truly understand your thoughts and feelings!